In 2001, Ryan Leaf, married Nicole Lucia. Their wedding was etched in San Diego lore, as the couple's nuptials embodied all the beautiful things about the city.
Back then, Leaf was fresh off a spell as the San Diego Chargers' QB, and he was about to become a member of the Dallas Cowboys.
Lucia was a San Diego Chargers cheerleader.

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How did Ryan Leaf and Nicole Lucia meet?
Ryan Leaf met Nicole Lucia while both of them were working for the San Diego Chargers organization. It is important to note that the rules regarding workplace dating were significantly different back then. As such, the team's second overall pick in the 1998 NFL Draft couldn't help but fall in love with their best cheerleader, Nicole Lucia.
Lucia was equally smitten, and they became a couple during Leaf's spell with the Chargers. However, their relationship looked like it would be severely tested when Leaf left the chargers in 2000. That meant that, for the first time in their relationship, they wouldn't be working for the same franchise. However, the couple stayed resolute and tied the knot in 2001.
What made Ryan Leaf and Nicole Lucia split up?
It is unclear what made the cutest couple in San Diego split, as there were never any rumbles of problems while they were together. Both parties were private as soon as they got married, and their respective professions didn't give them enough time to feed the paparazzi.
That was why it came as a shock to fans of Leaf and Lucia when they announced their separation and eventual divorce in 2003.
What has Nicole Lucia been up to lately?
Nicole Lucia ended her marriage to Ryan Leaf almost two decades ago, and she has been living her best life ever since. As of the time of writing, Lucia is now self-employed. She is the owner of Danceology.
It is also worthy to note that the former San Diego Chargers' star cheerleader worked as an instructor for CorePower Yoga. She is a savvy professional, and her versatility has exposed her to opportunities beyond football.
What has Ryan Leaf been up to?
On the other hand, Ryan Leaf has been trying to rehabilitate his image and live a better life than he became accustomed to. Leaf has a longer list of legal troubles than your average former NFL quarterback.
The former second-overall pick has had his fair share of run-ins with the law, but thankfully he's doing better these days.
As of the time of writing, Ryan Leaf is married to former Georgetown Hoyas volleyball player Anna Kleinsorge, with whom he has a young son. Leaf currently has a role as a program ambassador for the Transcend Recovery Community, which serves as a group of sober living houses in Los Angeles, Houston, and New York. He is also a radio show host and works as a college football analyst in his spare time.
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