Tonight on NBC the hit Canadian drama Transplant airs with an all-new Tuesday, November 17, 2020, episode and we have your Transplant recap below. In tonight’s Transplant season 1 episode 9, “Under Pressure,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Bash provides medical care to a friend who is reluctant about treatment; Mags deals with a young woman who seems to be withholding information.
Dr. Bishop offers Mags a good opportunity; someone from June’s past tries to reach out to her; and Theo is faced with a young athlete without a clear diagnosis.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Transplant recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, spoilers, news & more, right here!
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Bash is making coffee, his sister calls him because her hamster is dead. Oh, it appears he was sleeping, Bach is relieved. Bash gets a call, he has to go. He meets with a friend who was nailing shingles and fell off a roof; he cut his upper arm pretty bad. Bash wants to take him to the hospital, but his friend says he can’t. He has a record and he is afraid that the police will come. He may have also broken some ribs, his friend is afraid that if he goes to the hospital he will be sent back to Libya.
Bash goes to the hospital to get supplies for his friend, he finds out that a patients information is locked to the police unless they have a warrant. Mags looks busy, Dr. Bishop tells her that he had someone back out, she can present if she wants, not many second-year residents get the chance.
Bash decides to sew up his friend away from the hospital, he tells him that nobody will know who he is at the hospital, and he needs treatment there, as a friend he is telling him that he is going to be ok.
June’s father shows up at the hospital, he tells her that he is in a twelve-step program and wants to speak to her; June walks away and doesn’t want to.
Bash has his friend at the hospital, he tells him that they need to anchor his broken ribs so they heal properly. Claire brings him in something for the pain. Claire promises Bash that they will take good care of his friend.
Mags checks out a young woman who is pretty banged up, she says she told the nurse a bike crashed into her when she was crossing the street. Mags instincts tell her that the girl is reluctant to tell her the truth. A man is looking into the room, the girl says that he is going to tell Mags that he is her father, but he is not, and please don’t let him near her.
A man comes in by ambulance, Tre, Theo is on it. His mother tells Theo that her son got hurt when he was diving, he hit the board.
Lou asks June on a date, she says yes and gives him a quick kiss. Meanwhile, the police are at the hospital and asking questions about Bash’s friends, Claire tries to stall him, Bash is watching on. The police say his friend was involved with an incident that morning.
Bash is with his friend, he tells him that he can’t protect him if he doesn’t know the truth. He says that his boss was late paying them again, he said something, then he pushed him. He says he is alone there, he tells Bash he needs to get him out of the hospital.
Mr. Bailey has to prove his connection with Laura, the girl who came in all banged up. He says they meet every week for brunch, but something sets her off. He went to the bathroom, when he got back she was getting in a cab and her leg is bleeding.
Tre just woke up, Theo asks him if he remembers what happened to him. He says yes, he hit a diving board. His imaging looks good, he just has a concussion, his spinal images look good. Theo checks his feet, he can’t move his feet that much. Tre says it was like this before he dived, this is why he fell. It has been on and off, they just get weak, but it has never been that bad. His parents start arguing and blaming each other. Theo says he will run a few more tests, in the meantime, he should rest.
Mags looks stressed, she grabs some coffee and runs back to work. Bash goes to Dr. Bishop and asks him if his friend can get treatment without surgery, Dr. Bishop looks at the file and says no. Mags goes to see Laura and tells her she needs to know what is going on. She says his dad used to be different, he has changed. Then she looks at Theo and says he did it to her, and he is not a real doctor.
The police ask Bash if he can speak to his patient, he says no, he is not well enough. The police say that he is not interested in his friend being undocumented, he knows that he is there because his boss pushed him off the roof. The police say his friend is the victim here.
Mags speaks to Mr. Bailey, he tells him that Laura is suffering from paranoia delusions, she is speaking to a staff psychiatrist now. He says her mother suffered from mental illness. He says she was talking about dropping out of school and she was the most agitated when they met.
Bash goes to see his friend, he tells him the police are only there to help him. Meanwhile, Tre goes to see Tre and examine him again. Tre says it is a tough life, diving, he doesn’t really see his friends and has no time for anything. He is killing himself instead of being straight forth with his parents.
Dr. Mitchell tells Mags that the diagnosis is long and slow in Laura’s case.
Tre’s parents are in the hallway having an argument, at least they are not doing it in front of Tre this time. Theo ordered an MRI to find out what is going on with Tre.
Bash’s friend has vanished from the hospital, Bash runs outside frantically looking for him. He finds him passed out on the lawn of the hospital. Bash gets someone to help him and they rush him into surgery. Bash is about to operate on him, but Dr. Bishop tells him to go, he will take it from there.
Mags goes back to speak to Mr. Bailey, she tells him that Laura is responding to the medication but it is early. Mags asks if he has any family, he has a sister in Mississauga and he can take a leave of absence from work. He is beside himself, he went through this with Laura’s mother and now again with her. A year after she left, she took her own life. Mags tells him that Dr. Mitchell will be speaking to him soon.
June is outside, her father is outside and she asks him why he spoke to her boss. He says that he wanted her to know that he was sober. She tells him to tell her why he is actually there. He says he has cancer, needs an operation, and doesn’t know what to do. She tells him to do what everyone else does, he has the surgery and waits for the results but he does it without her.
Bash’s friend is awake, he made it through surgery. The police are there, he asks his friend about the fall.
Laura is in a room with her father, Dr. Mitchell, and Mags. Laura starts shouting she says that he is not her dad and she wants her real dad and her mom. She completely freaks out, Dr. Mitchell ushers him out. Outside the room, Mags tells him to get something to eat and come back tomorrow, this is day one.
Mags is alone outside the room, she goes into a storage room and collapses. Mags is in a hospital bed, she asks Dr. Bishop what happened, he says she passed out and it wasn’t anything to do with her heart. She is exhausted and dehydrated, she is doing too much. He asks her what if this happens in trauma, she needs to strike a balance. Maybe the emergency department is not for her, he wants her to consider a change, going to internal medicine after taking some time off. She begs him not to do it, this is all she ever wanted. He tells her to let the IV run out and go home for the week.
Tre has a type of paralysis caused by low potassium. The disease is permanent, the paralysis is not. He can manage it with diet. Tre tells his parents that he doesn’t want to dive anymore and if that means they get a divorce then that is what has to happen. He says the two of them hate each other and the only thing they have in common is his diving.
Mags is about to leave the hospital, she sees Bash and asks him if the place feels like home to him yet, he says it is starting to.
Theo asks Dr. Bishop if the spot in pediatrics is still available, he tells his applications are due next week.
Bash is with his friend, he asks him to stay with him a while and watch football