Lil Yachty Slams Pitchfork For Its Lets Start Here Review

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Sunday, June 9, 2024

Lil Yachty‘s genre-bending new album, Let’s Start Here, has drawn an overwhelming amount of praise for taking a creative risk, but not everyone appears to be a fan.

The Atlanta rapper caught wind of Pitchfork‘s less than favorable review of his latest project and took to Twitter on Wednesday to blast the publication.


“Lol pitchfork is so washed up,” the 25-year-old wrote on Twitter in response to the middling 6.0 rating.

He then turned his attention to the writer, Alphonse Pierre. “I respect all opinion.. @al_Peeair but you have a terrible taste in music. And your haircut sucks,” Lil Yachty tweeted.

Lil Yachty calls out “washed up” Pitchfork for its “Let’s Start Here” review

— HipHopDX (@HipHopDX) February 1, 2023

Plenty of Yachty’s fans backed him in the replies comparing his album’s 6.0 rating to Ice Spice’s new Like..? EP receiving a much more positive 7.6.

“Pitchfork is on crack,” one fan wrote, while another claimed: “Album was literally transcendent bro.”


At a New York listening party for the album, Lil Yachty explained that he just wanted to be respected as an artist, which inspired him to make the leap of faith into a totally foreign genre.

“This album is so special and dear to me,” he said. “I think I created it just because I really wanted to be taken serious as an artist, you know? Not just some SoundCloud rapper, not some mumble rapper, not some guy that just made one hit.”


He added: “I wanted to be really taken serious because music is, like, everything to me. I respect all walks of music, not just rap and Hip Hop. Everything. So I think I wanted to make something to show the world just how great it was to me.”

However, Yachty did receive a major stamp of approval from a music legend when Questlove saluted Let’s Start Here‘s bravery.

Lil Yachty Says New Album Separates Him From Artists 'Copying The Swag'

Lil Yachty Says New Album Separates Him From Artists 'Copying The Swag'

“I had to let 24 hours go by just so I could process this,” the Roots drummer began. “Then I hesitated cause I didn’t wanna use hyperbole to naturally give the trolls ammo to hate it or to further evidence sort why my co-signs are whack.”

He continued: “I dunno man: after about 3 listens (and I thought I’d NEVER say this—-& not because ‘I didn’t expect this from Lil Yachty’——but just in general I didn’t expect this from MUSIC).


“How should I put it? I really really really really love this @lilyachty record and I love when artists pull off a good departure record (departure albums are when musicians pull a COMPLETE creative left turn. Most times as a career sabotage of feeling doomed to not be able to live up to a standard they set. Not being able to make the Thelma & Louise jump. Quitting the job/relationship before you give em a chance to fire you—).”
