Karrueche Tran addresses an important issue that’s been going on lately around the world. Asians are being slammed and bullied all over the place due to the coronavirus.
People are shading them, and they sometimes even get physical, saying that the Chinese are to blame for the global crisis in which we are these days.
Karrueche decided to address this stringent issue, and she tells people to stop the discrimination against Asians in the wake of the new virus.
She said that this should not be called the ‘Chinese Virus’ as the US President Donald Trump has been calling it lately.
You can check out her message below.
Someone said: ‘It’s really something wrong with y’all. I just saw a photo of a kid with their face sliced open and y’all talking about it happens every day to your people. We expect people to care or be empathetic and all y’all doing is shrugging y’all shoulders.’
A commenter posted: ‘Y’all mofos funny…y’all be so quick to scream racist and equality and throwing the race card like you at a FIFA World Cup.lol.and Asian be having sympathy and feeling sorry for y’all believe it or not.i can’t speak for all Asian but we do. y’all be so easy to get brainwashed and manipulate but this orange guy and it’s sad. Can’t you see he’s trying to divide us!?!? We minorities share the same struggle dealing with racism in this country known as “white man’s world” now, y’all wanna be all hypocritical and thinking this is ok but crying BLM and racist every chance y’all get. lol y’all funny but #itsalllove🌏❤️❤️’
Someone else said: ‘Where was this when xenophobia was in full effect in South Africa against Nigerians?? Or how about here in America against blacks for generations? How about the Asian lady that killed the black girl over orange juice. Is that not a form of hatred? Sorry, not sorry. Fight for everyone or don’t care at all.’
What do you think about this issue?