There are three guarantees in life: Death, Taxes, and young girl’s love and devotion to Justin Bieber – or is there? If we were to guess a couple months ago how Justin Bieber’s new ‘Believe’ movie did we would have said it wasn’t going to set box office records, but it would do well because of his following. With all the Beliebers out there the movie couldn’t possibly do bad could it?
According to The Huffington Post, Bieber’s new movie ‘Believe’ was a failure at the box office earning a meager $4.2 million over the holidays. From Friday to Sunday, ‘Believe’ earned just $2.01 million putting it in 16th place at the box office. We didn’t even know there were 16 movies out right now! That also puts ‘Believe’ behind ’47 Ronin’ a movie that is projected to lose $175 million.
Bieber’s last documentary ‘Never Say Never’ earned $29.5 million in its first weekend and finished at $73 million worldwide. ‘Believe’ might not earn $10 million worldwide. Did Bieber go to the well one to many times or is the phenomenon coming to an end? It’s hard to say right now, but it most-likely is a combination of both.
Image via Jason Kempin/Getty Images