Did Kelly Preston buy herself some bolt-ons for her heterosexual husband?

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Sunday, June 2, 2024

CB and I were looking through these photos yesterday, and we couldn’t stop laughing. John Travolta and Kelly Preston – who, to their credit, are total pros – stopped and posed for the paparazzi while they were having lunch in Paris. The obvious place to go is “Heterosexual John Travolta and his loving wife and soulmate Kelly looked lovely and sexually engaged with each other in Paris.” But then we would be ignoring the fact that JT looks like a Village Person, and that NO MAN past a certain age should be wearing a nip-tweaking baby-t and trilby. We would also be ignoring the theory that CB and I now have that Kelly bought herself some new boobs:

Right? Look at her chest – they haven’t been that big since she was pregnant with Benjamin. Is she pregnant again (by her completely heterosexual husband) just in time to battle all of John Travolta’s (ALLEGED!) boyfriends and groping victims, who seem to be coming out of the woodwork every month? Or did Kelly just buy herself some new boobs just because, why not?

Also: I know I just called Travolta a Village Person, but you know who else he reminds me of? Justin Theroux. RIGHT?! LMAO.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
