10 Celebrities Who Should be on the $10 Bill

Posted by Sherie Connelly on Sunday, June 2, 2024


There’s a lot of debate as to which famous woman should see her face (or not, since she’s no longer with us as part of the requirements for candidacy for this particular honor) on the front of the new $10 bill. There are a lot of votes for women from history, and a lot more votes for women who are making history. While we firmly believe that some great historical figure, a woman who changed the world with her attitude, her poise, her grace and her fire, will grace the front of the new bill, we also think that it would be a lot of fun to see which of the more modern celebs would make the cut.

So for every Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks vote that is cast (and we do hope to see a woman with this much amazing history and this much accomplishment grace the new bill), we thought it would be fun to put a few other – slightly more modern – faces on the new $10 bill. Here’s our vote for the women who might become contenders for the new $10 bill.


Ellen DeGeneres

Miss Colorado was right about that; she should be on the new $10. Why? Because Ellen DeGeneres is probably the coolest woman in the world; she’s funny, generous and kind – and what more do you want from a woman? Additionally, anytime we see her face on our money, we might be tempted to stick that money where her mouth is; somewhere that it will benefit someone else rather than into the hands of a cashier handing us something else we don’t really need.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Here’s a woman that could be on the $10 bill. Why? She certainly hasn’t done anything to earn an honor such as this. But, she has done a lot of things that serve to remind us that you can ruin your life with just one poor decision followed by another. Every time we see her face on a $10 bill, perhaps it will remind us that we should save it and invest in ourselves; our future, our lives and becoming amazing people instead of has-beens who can’t get work in our 20s because we wasted our lives (and our tens).



She’s one of the most powerful women in the world right now, so why not stick her face on money? We could be reminded every time we come across this particular bill that if we put it away instead of spending it that we, too, can have things like luxury yachts and $150,000 gold leggings to wear to award shows.


Kerry Washington

She’s so good at fixing the problems in Washington DC on Scandal that we think they should put her face on the new ten. In doing this, perhaps every time a dirty politician or someone looking to do something bad comes across one of these bills they’ll remember that somewhere, someone like her is going to take them down so perhaps they should think again. There; fixed.


Tina Fey

She is hilarious. Seeing her face on my money would be like seeing my mother every single time I went to purchase another glass of wine or something I know I shouldn’t. It might make me laugh in a way that I want to put it back in my wallet with a bit of discomfort at potentially offending my imaginary mother, Tina Fey.


Amy Poehler

Well, if you’re going to put Tina Fey on there, you might as well put Amy Poehler on there, right? This would be a great idea, too, since she would be the kind of monetary photo in your wallet just egging you on. “One more shot. Just one more,” or “Go ahead, buy that drink. You don’t need to send your kids to college, right?” and then you’d think twice.


Heather Dubrow

Why not stick Fancy Pants on the face of the $10? I’ll tell you why not; what a little bill for her wealth. But it would be fun to have a bit of fancy added to such a small bill. Wouldn’t you just think of champagne and fabulous shoes every single time you saw her face on your money? I would; so maybe I’d save up all my $10s so I could say that Heather Dubrow and I went shoe shopping together. There’s a winning situation.



We all want to be Oprah, just a little bit – right? We want to be able to do all that she has done, give back all that she has given back and do all the things that she can do. So if we put her on money, maybe we will feel a little bit more like her when we do give back. How is that for a little bit of monetary motivation for those looking to spend their dough?


Reese Witherspoon

I have no really amazing reason for sticking her on the face of the new $10 other than the fact that she is just darn cute, and seeing her always makes me smile. She might be older than I, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking of her as kind of a little girl that just makes me smile with her unending enthusiasm and positive attitude. I kind of love her, so I vote we stick her on the money.


Taylor Swift

She’s cool, she’s talented, and people love her (or they totally hate her…there does not seem to be that much of an in-between when it comes to this adorable pop star). Either way, she might have a lot of boyfriends, she might write songs about them, and she might not be able to dance quite like Beyonce, but she’s successful, powerful and she’s done it on her own. Why not give little girls something to look up to like that on their money? The reminder that she is so young and amazing is not a bad one for kids to have, right? I think not.

Photos by Getty Images
